Get pregnant faster,  
reduce stress and anxiety reclaim your zest for life!

Scientifically proven mind-body methods combined with Hypnotherapy and Emotional Freedom Technique to increase your chances of getting pregnant.

I'm here to support you shift from overwhelm, fear and worry to calm, centred and lighter through your journey.  You will feel empowered and equipped with practical tools and techniques that will help you move from thinking and ruminating to being and thriving.  Clear out the old that is no longer serving you, and create space for the new to come in.  Up level your life (despite your fertility diagnosis) and get pregnant faster with my program.

To know Struggling with Fertility, is to live it  
I've been there and I can support you 

i see you, consumed & overwhelmed by this monumental challenge... 

I get it, I've been there.  I was gripped with feelings of worry, fear, anxiety and uncertainty about my future.  I was doing ALLL the things and my fertility to-do list was growing by the hour.  I was spiraling down the rabbit hole of Dr Google, spending hours researching my fertility issue or looking for stories of hope.  I was confused where to start and where to put my time, energy and money.  I was operating my life in a state of complete fertility fog and felt completely stuck.

but don't underestimate the power within you, to shift your mind and body INTO A super fertile STATE...

I can support you with practical and powerful mind body practices & techniques that will increase your fertility.  Together, we will create a clear fertility roadmap that will allow you to feel empowered on your journey to mamahood. 

How would it feel to....

  • Shift beyond the noise of your mind so you can access the wisdom and healing that your body is capable of
  • Feel armed with practical tools  to shift your mindset and body into fertile baby-making mode
  • Receive 24/7 support with access to me whenever you need advice, guidance and support
  • Release limiting beliefs and negative thinking that is holding you back from conceiving
  • Feel empowered knowing that you are supporting your fertility in powerful ways (that your Dr and Specialist don't talk about!)
  • Develop a refreshingly new perspective on fertility, flow and abundance
  • Shift from overwhelm into a space of clear-headed calm   
  • Create space in your life for things other than fertility  
  • Start living your life in flow (not in force)
  • Regain your joy, your spark and zest for life!  
  • Let go of perfection, jealousy and comparison with ease and grace 

90 days of personalised 1:1 support and strategies to enhance your fertility.  

My program is different.  It's more than just stress reducing tools and mindfulness techniques. 

My approach is rooted in neuroscience, nervous system regulation and fertility energetics, combined with practical tools that are completely unique to your needs. 

I use a powerful combination of hypnotherapy, EFT (emotional freedom technique), transformational coaching and nervous system regulation to get you pregnant faster and feel better on your path to mamahood.  

3 Reasons Why a Mind-Body Approach is your Secret Fertility Weapon...


In a study by Harvard University, women who undertook a mind-body program were over twice as likely to conceive vs those who didn't. Of the women that got pregnant, 76% did so naturally (without any medical intervention) within 12 months despite their age, number of years of trying to conceive and diagnoses.


In a study of women with no known fertility issues, women with increased alpha-amlyase (an enzyme marking higher stress levels) in their saliva took longer to conceive (Louise etc al, 2011). Women who participated in a stress management program before or during their second IVF cycle had a 160% greater pregnancy rate than women who had not (Domar and Nikolovski, 2002)


Research shows that stress impacts fertility by causing high levels of stress hormones such as adrenaline, catecholamines and cortisol. These inhibit the release of the body's master reproductive hormones leaving to suppression of normal ovulation in women, sperm count in men and sexual activity and hormone balance in both men and women.

Here's what the research says...

Women who undertook a mind-body program were over twice as likely to conceive

From a study by Harvard University, women who undertook a mind-body program were over twice as likely to conceive vs those who didn’t.  Of the women that got pregnant, 76% did so naturally (without medical intervention) within 12 months despite their age, number of years trying or diagnoses. 

160% greater pregnancy rate

“Women who participated in a stress management program before or during their second IVF cycle had 160% greater pregnancy rate than women who had not”
(Domar and Nikolovski, 2002)

Stress inhibits the release of the body's "master" reproductive hormones

Research shows that stress impacts fertility by causing high levels of stress hormones such as adrenaline, catecholamines and cortisol.  These inhibit the release of the body’s “master” reproductive hormones, leading to suppression of normal ovulation in women, sperm count in men and sexual activity and hormone balance in both women and men. 

Lower stress = increase fertility.

4.47 times higher pregnancy rate

“In a recent study of a Boston Mind+Body program, women experienced significant decreases in anxiety and depression and a 4.47 times higher pregnancy rate.”

(Clifton, 2020)

95% become mums within two years

“We have been collecting data for 20 years on the women who attend mind-body programs and the results are consistent. About half the patients get pregnant within six months, and about 95% become Mums within two years.”

(Dr Alice Domar, 2002)

Supportive group environment does more than only help with stress and anxiety

A recent study demonstrated that learning mind-body stress reduction techniques within a supportive group environment does more than only help to relieve stress and anxiety associated with the experience but also improve pregnancy success.

 (Frederiksen, 2015)

My Story

At 33 I was told I had a 1% chance of conceiving naturally with my own eggs and a 10% chance of ever conceiving with any form of Assisted Reproductive Technology.  In short, my egg supply was dwindling rapidly and the eggs I did have were terrible quality.

I was completely overwhelmed and gripped with fear that I wouldn't have my own children.  

But everything changed for me when I started to use mind-body techniques to move into a calmer more centred state. I was able to shift nagging negative beliefs and emotions, reduce my stress and anxiety, and truly embrace and enjoy life (despite my diagnosis).  

Despite the odds, I conceived my first son at 35 via IUI and my 2nd son (naturally!) at 37.  I went on to have perfectly healthy full term pregnancies.

The techniques I learnt have supported me through all seasons of my life.  And now I get to share the most powerful tools that really moved the needle for me, with my clients, and enhance their fertility in a powerful way.

How it Works

Ways to work with me

I have a number of ways that my clients can work with me. Have a look at the "Ways to work with me" page and feel free to send me a DM on instagram if you want to chat about which option would suit you best. I can also share pricing information too. Together, we'll check if we're a good fit together and if I can help you kick goals on your journey to conceive.

Join one of my programs

You can jump into my Free Masterclass, or Becoming Fertile AF workshop and gain instant access. 

If you want a more high-touch, high service experience, we can work together 1:1, you can join Fertile Frequency (my signature online program) or you can book a one-off 60 min clarity call. 

We get started!

Using my signature online program "Fertile Frequency" you can jump into the content right away and get started.

If you decide to join my closest proximity 1:1 coaching, "Being Fertile AF", you'll also get access to Fertile Frequency and we'll catch up once every 2 weeks for 12 weeks and dive into tools, resources and techniques that will help you shift from stuck and overwhelmed to resilient and thriving on your journey to conceive. You'll also have me in your back pocket 24/7 for anything else that comes up in between our calls.

If one-off clarity call suits you, go right ahead and book that today through the booking link provided.

My intention is to help you feel like you're back in the drivers' seat of your life, moving forward and on your way to bringing your baby into this world. 



Yes! All of my coaching is run through Zoom, and in fact, many of my clients are from outside New Zealand. One of the BIG benefits many of my overseas clients find about working with me, is that my available times are often outside of their work hours, meaning you don't have to take time out of your work to meet with me (and can catch up in your PJ's from the comfort of your own sofa).

I've tried everything... how is your program different?

It's true - there are many more fertility coaches now than there were when I was trying to conceive (amazing!) But... they're not me, and they don't have my unique skillset or qualifications. My Fertility in Flow program uses a unique blend of hypnotherapy, EFT and nervous system regulation to support not just your stress and emotional wellbeing, but to support your fertility as well.

I am a qualified Transformational Coach (Advanced Level) with additional training in hypnotherapy and Emotional Freedom Technique.. as well as having lived infertility personally and experienced fertility treatments first hand... as well as getting (and staying) pregnant naturally.

Feel free to jump on a call with me and we can talk about why I might be the right support for you.

I'm not sure I can invest in another thing (financially or emotionally)... is this right for me?

Ahhh I can completely relate to the seemingly endless number of expenses that come with infertility and trying to conceive. One thing I've learned however is that we readily spend money things that we believe will support us on a physical level (supplements, silver bullets and fertility treatments) but somehow our own wellbeing always takes a back seat.

I know so many times, I'd purchase things that I knew deep down would only have a minimal chance of changing my fertility but I'd spend money on them anyway because I wanted hope.

What if... investing in your own wellbeing was a win-win scenario.

What if... not only completely shifted the way you were thinking, feeling and coping through trying to conceive BUT also, dramatically improved your fertility as well? What if... instead of an expense... it was an investment.

An investment that paid off...

  • For your fertility...
  • For your emotional wellbeing...

And not just with immediate returns... returns that paid dividends for the rest of your life.

I completely respect that working with me is an investment but it's one I wholeheartedly believe is completely different (and completely worthwhile).

 I have unexplained infertility [or insert other thing here]

Regardless of here you are on your journey to conceive (whether that's trying to conceive naturally or in the throes of IVF, TTC over 40 or you're 25 and completely confused because everything seems to check out....) - working with me is a way to unearth what could be going on for you, and to leave no stone unturned.

If you're unsure about whether or not working with me can help, don't prematurely self-reject yourself, jump on a call or send me an email - and I promise that if I don't believe I can help - I'll be up front and honest with you. I'm only here to work with women who I believe can make big improvements for. If that's you, I'll let you know. If that's not you, I'll also let you know.

Click here to book your complimentary (and obligation free) chat.

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